Tuesday, 10 April 2012


This year, for the first time ever, Derek had Passover! And he had it with me.

See, there we are together, being all cute. And enjoying Passover. Derek got to see me be incredibly bubbly as I told him stories of growing up Jewish - my cousins fighting about hockey teams and politics, finding the afikomen year after year, the great food (matzah, and matzah ball soup, charoset, etc.). 

This Sunday (yes, I know it wasn't the official first day of Passover, but it was the only day we had the time) we through together a delightful little feast for the two of us and I led us through the Haggadah (which is the book which outlines the official part of the Passover meal - for anyone who isn't Jewish). While we improved a LOT of the meal - 'cause we live in Steinbach, and lets face it, it isn't the most Jewish of neighbourhoods - we managed to have delicious lamb, flatbread (we used naan bread as opposed to matzah), charoset, kosher wine, and all the other essentials. In fact, I admitted to Derek that I don't remember ever having actual lamb at a Passover in my childhood.

Also, we used cute spring colours - which allows me to throw some decor into this blog, again. The red plate at the top of the table is the seder plate, complete with all the essentials - except the lamb shank bone, which was busy being cooked when I took the picture. You can see the delicious charoset in the green bowl, and - of course - a can of coke, an addiction I got from my Jewish grandfather, so I thought it deserved a place in this post. ;)

And just for any of you ladies who might be already a bit jealous of my handsome, strong, wonderful man:

Yes, there he is cooking. And yes. He is enjoying it. Mmm. Isn't he great? 45 days until the wedding!
