Sunday, 22 January 2012

"I'll be back"... or, rather, I am.

Well, I have returned from the sunny tropics of Paraguay! (And when I say sunny, I mean it - there was only one day where it rained in our entire trip!) Well, to be perfectly honest, I actually got back on Friday, but the past two days have been completely filled up with seeing people, spending time with my roommates and my fiance, and getting my life in some way back to normal.

This is our team at the Itapu falls in Brazil (we went there on a day trip) on one of our last days in the country. Paraguay was quite the experience, though during my three weeks there, I realized how attached I am to Canada. I don't know if I'll be able to ever leave it forever.

Just look at that beautiful red and white flag!

As I was saying, being in Paraguay was intense. We helped out with a VBS run by local missionaries, toured a lot of the mission work that was happening in East Paraguay, helped out at an AIDS centre, lived with the Paraguayan people for a week, and yes. We even went swimming.

Yes, this is part of what we were doing while everyone in Manitoba was freezing (though not freezing as much as normal, I don't think Manitoba reached the +35-40 that we had every day). 

 And yes, I even managed to squish some acting in there - photos above are me helping out with some skits for the VBS. The second picture is of a skit where I end up snapping a mouse trap closed over my fingers. Huzzah. Oh, the things I do for acting... Did I ever mention the story about Alice and Wonderland and my shoulder?

Well, Paraguay, you were nice, sunny, and super, super hot. But I'm home in Canada, and maybe, secretly, enjoying the cold!

Photo source: Canadian flag here.

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