Well, it's been a few days. I'm sorry for missing Thursday, Friday, and Saturday's posts! Things have been incredibly busy here for the past week. We had people over every single night last week (except for Saturday, when the two of us just crashed!). But I'm back with week four (the last full week!) of the October Dress Project (here are week one, week two, and week three). I'll have to admit it now, though, that actually most of these pictures were taken this afternoon - I just threw on what I'd worn on each day, and cycled through the ones I'd missed. Like I said, things have been crazy.
October 22nd (I told you I was in love with that scarf! Wearing it again, with jeans. The dress is so short now that I don't feel comfortable wearing it without some form of leggings or pants... and besides, it's been below freezing for most of this week!):
October 23rd (Not my best, nor my most creative day, but I wore some cute polka-dot tights that I picked up with Lana - she got the same pair, and we also picked up the same tights: me in teal, and her in red. I swear, we're not the same person):
October 24th (Teal tights = love. They're great. Make me feel super spunky. Lana, Vickie, and I had a party together that evening. It was great. We had a blast hanging out again!):
October 25th (Feeling not very creative. I ended up doing a sort of shawl with my white scarf. It looked better on the actual day, but I was in a hurry to re-create half of the week's outfits, so in the picture it didn't turn out too fantastic. Ah well. I'll get by.):
October 26th (Lana, Derek and I hosted a Halloween party on Friday. It was crazy, and intense, and Lana and I literally worked on it all day. I got up at 8:00, and didn't stop until 1:00 in the morning. The theme was Arsenic and Old Lace - after the play - so Lana and I dressed up as old women. Unfortunately, I forgot to get a picture from the actual day, and in the hecticness of it all, I lost a few of my costume pieces. Just imagine that I'm wearing old lady glasses, jewelry, terrible makeup, and cheap tights full of runs. It was wonderful, believe me):
October 27th (The day following the party. Derek and I literally did nothing. Seriously. We slept in, and then spent most of the day sitting on the couch in the living room. It was amazing, and so, so needed. We were both dead tired! My outfit reflects the tiredness and therefore the lack of creativity):
October 28th (Sunday, and church. Teal tights again, because they're just that awesome):
Week number four is done. It was definitely way more difficult this week to come up with new outfits, and clearly much more difficult to be dedicated taking pictures! But, there are only three days left (including today), so I'm determined to make them fantastic! Though, honestly, today's outfit really isn't that great. I'll share the pictures from the last three days on Thursday (Wednesday is the last one).
Note: You can read more about the project in this blog post which also includes links to the Facebook group, and the blog of the creator of the October Dress Project.
I presume you are going to go wild with the black dress on Halloween (last day) tomorrow?! Will you ever want to wear it again?