I may have missed two days of posts, but not from doing nothing. If you've ever been to our house, you've probably seen/been introduced to the baby eating room, as we affectionately call it. It's the spare bedroom on the main floor and it has mostly been used for storage. Derek and I have had a few ideas of what to do with it eventually (office, walk in closet, master bath?), but in the meantime... it just sits there crowded. Until yesterday morning, that is. For some reason I was in an very active mood right away at eight'o'clock. See, Derek's first break at work is at 8:00, and so he generally texts me. Now, normally, if I even wake up to the text messages, I fall back to sleep right away after them, but yesterday morning, after he texted me, I just felt like doing something. So I cleaned.
This is a picture looking at the room from the door way. Yeah, I know. It's not so pretty.
But here it is when I was done! You can see that the window in the top right corner in the before shot is centred in the after shot. And for any of you who know my older sister Rachel, and who know how many books she has, I'm ashamed to admit that between the two of us - me and Derek - what you see there is essentially the extent of the books that we own (we have a couple on a small bookcase in the living room). Yeah. Rachel's books could eat our books alive. I know. But at least they all fit - with space! - on one bookcase?
Here's the view looking across the room the long way. As you can tell, there's still a lot in the room that doesn't quite have a home, but it's so much less than before!
And the closet in the room, where we store our dress clothes and coats we're not using. You couldn't see the floor in there before, well... Actually you couldn't see pretty much any of the floor in the entire room. It was really, really crowded. A big part of the change was that I cleared out a dresser and a bookcase that weren't actually ours (you guessed it! They're Lana's). At the moment they're just hanging out in our hallway - moving the mess from one place to another much? - but we'll be taking them to her place... Sometime.
I also got my play posters up on the wall. Though, I suppose I'm actually missing a couple... from high school. Into the Woods, and Rumours have yet to join my collection. I know I have the Into the Woods poster back in Ontario, but I don't think I have the other one... I'll have to hunt that down.
I really do love how much better it is. It makes me smile to see the room now, instead of quickly closing the door from my utter embarrassment. My favourite view now is the one you see from the door (you can see it if you scroll up to the first before picture). It really makes our "baby eating" room look like an office: the potential of what it could be. Though, I have to admit, I'm really leaning toward walk-in closet/dressing room. Mmm. Closet space. And think, that would give us the opportunity to make the actual master bedroom bigger, because the two closets (for the master and for the "office") are actually set into the bedroom, so if we had no need for those, we could make the bedroom about two feet wider - something I am totally okay with! Plus, walk-in closet! I'll keep you updated, and I'm sure you'll hear about what we finally end up doing... You know, a couple years from now.
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