Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Keeping Up With the... Bloggers

It is time for... *drumroll please*...


And because I'm fancy now, I've included the official sponsor video from those wonderful ladies who host and originally came up with the Pinterest challenge: Sherry and Katie. These are their children, Clara and Will (who will someday be married, according to their best friend mothers) explaining all about it!

The Pinterest challenge started about a year and a half ago when Katie and Sherry decided that they should challenge themselves to make one thing each season that they've pinned about. They invite their readers (and friendly bloggers) to join in the fun! So, grab your Pinterest boards, your DIY inspiration hats, and see what you can make!

There's one rule: you have to do your own thing with something that you've pinned, your own twist on something that inspired you! Oh yeah, and you have to make sure that you link back to the original source (be it a blog, a magazine, etc.)

Of course, the Pinterest challenge is hosted by Sherry of Young House Love and Katie of Bower Power Blog. Just so you know, they aren't paid or sponsored by Pinterest in any way: it's just their way of making sure that they stop just being inspired, and start doing the things they want to get done! Like every time they've done it, they invited two guest bloggers to join them as hosts. This winter it's Megan from The Remodeled Life and Michelle from Decor and the Dog.

This will (hopefully) be my first completed Pinterest challenge. In the fall, I attempted to be a part of that one... and I completely failed at actually doing it. *sheepish face palm. It wasn't a great time for me and committing to things. But this time, I'm determined! So determined. Just you wait and see. I'm going to accomplish something! I have a great idea for something for the kitchen! More details to follow!

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